Live Healthy App is an Application serving the health and media sectors. The App is technology – rich platform that promotes individuals in their creative quest for learning. It is a two-prong method to help readers make healthy life choices. It is an online Application where customers can choose to sign on for a subscription based health / workout / diet activities, where we commit to our members and trusted partners by providing affordable, innovative products that improve their care and health. The Application is built using Node.JS and express. The database we will be using is Mango DB . To encourage readers to productivity, and physical and mental well-being, the mission of the Live Healthy App shall be to foster a work site culture that supports anyone’s desire to make healthy lifestyle choices focusing on health, fitness, nutrition and lifestyle choices. Each month a special selection of medical professionals will contribute to the site. This Exchange will leverage Health award winning, cloud-based technologies. The same technologies that are successfully delivering content and information to numerous clients in the areas of Healthcare.

Based on years of research and its patented Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud-Based Technologies the Live Healthy App is Launching its initiatives in the Healthcare domain to foster a revolutionary way to deliver an integrated, individualized Learning Experience.

This Application has formed and funded a Team dedicated to applying the company’s expertise in Social, Mobile, Analytic and Cloud Based systems in support of significant healthcare projects. Its Intention to benefit and serve the individuals that are in disadvantages situation in health.